Your customers are excited to receive the jewelry they ordered online. They expect their package to arrive securely. Your job is to make sure they’re not disappointed.
You want your customers to feel total assurance that buying jewelry from your company online is a good decision. After all, they are trusting you to deliver exactly their latest purchase in a manner that befits your company’s image. Watch the video to learn why you should be using water-activated tape to seal your cartons and help ensure that your customers will continue buying from your company.
Water-activated packaging tape is tamper-evident and forms a complete bond with the carton itself, allowing for maximum theft prevention
The carton you send your jewelry in is a reflection of your company’s brand. Using water-activated tape to seal your cartons creates a neat, professional appearance
Better Pack electric tape dispensers increase packaging productivity and reduce required man-hours needed to fulfill e-commerce orders
Please fill out the form below and a representative will contact you directly. In the meantime, click here find out why top companies are switching from plastic tape to paper tape.